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What do you think will be the text about?

Comentarios: 13
  • #13

    NATHALI CHITO- DIANA MENDEZ -JOHAN DAJOME (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 09:05)

    the text talks about a young man who participated representing the cristobal colon school, where he was presented the opportunity to compete in a great intercollegiate tournament which he faced several schools in the valley department in 2017, thanks to his effort he could win the gold medallion the young man called alvaro jose peña.

  • #12

    Luz Helena, Andres s, Robert (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:53)

    We think that the text will be about the sports history of an important student of the institution, such as the competitions he has attended and the medals he has won.

  • #11

    laura Garcés, Daniel Gaviria y Álvaro Peña, (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:50)

    The text will be about a student of the Cristobal Colón who practice wrestling and he participated in a tournament. In this tournament he had a good performance and won a Gold Medal.

  • #10

    ingrid hurtado,kelly minota y david gaviria (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:49)

    the text speaks of a student of the educational institution cristobal colon, and his name is Avaro jose Peña in the participation in the intercollegiate in 2016 in the city santiago de cali in the tournament that participated that was at the municipal, departmental and national. therefore at national level won a gold medal

  • #9

    EVelin florez- Yajaira Zorrilla- Jose Luis Tovar (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:47)

    in the image you can see that it is going to be a martial arts contest of a student of the cristobal colon educational institution that is dedicated to the fight. You can also see the position of the participants in the wrestling track.

  • #8

    Alejandra,Karen,Camila O (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:45)

    We think that it talks about a student who trains olympic fight that competes in the intercollegiate and wins the gold medal this is a tournament organized by the national ministry of education

  • #7

    Dayana mina, Andres Ledezma (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:44)

    Think will be the text about the participated in intercolegiados the student alvaro peña and its award as gold medal.

  • #6

    Luz castañeda, Yuli Madrigal, Juan Figueroa (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:40)

    the text talks about the trajectory of alvaro in superate Intercolegiados tournament.
    we are very proud of him, He is our friend and partner.

  • #5

    Duvan mina, Estefania rodriguez, Gian ospina (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:39)

    i think he text is about the alvaro's history, he practices wrestling and he won several gold medals in the superate intercolegiados, we are proud of him cause he represents us in other cities,
    he is nineteen years old, and wrestling is part of his life and he is an example for us.

  • #4

    camila ruiz -oscar montoya-felipe narvaez (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:39)

    the text is about alvaro peña and his achievements in sports and he explains how he has evolved from practicing what he likes most, he also deals with the way the institution has been representing in each of his competitions

  • #3

    Nathalia astudillo, Juliana Bravo (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:38)

    The text will about a student of the cristobal colon school, who participated in the intercollegiate by the naconal ministry of education, and was locally at the first place winning the gold medal and nationally won the bronze medal, for this reason the school is very proud of him.

  • #2

    Emelyn, Daniela, Giancarlo R (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:37)

    the text is about the heroes of the educational institution cristobal colon and heroes refer to those who do external things like the student Alvaro Peña, who is an Olympic fighter and has won many tournaments and participated in the intercollegiate that took place in 2016, He is now 18 and has improved a lot even won a gold and a bronze medal.

  • #1

    Sandra, Carlos, Juan (martes, 14 noviembre 2017 08:26)

    The text will be about....