Listening comprehension

Watch the video to learn about the concepts below:



Body modification / Tatto / Piercing

I. Now watch the video and answer the questions




What is the general idea of the audio?

a.      Health risks of body modification.

b.      A girl talks about how people often react to her tattoos.

c.       An advertisement about temporary tattoos.

II.                    Organize the following events in the same order they appear in the video:


A dermatologist talks about the risks of body modification.


A teenager took out her piercings and modifications to get a job.


Lady Gaga has pointy horns in her shoulders.  


A patient had a screw implanted in her cheek. It became infected.


sTudy materials

Study Material 2 - Unit 1 - Cognates.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 330.6 KB
Parts of a word
Study Material 3 - Unit 1 - Recognizing
Documento Adobe Acrobat 448.7 KB